Buy Andarine (S-4) Online
Developmental code names GTx-007, Andarine (S-4) is an investigational selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) developed by GTX, Inc for treatment of conditions such as muscle wasting, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hypertrophy, Buy Andarine (S-4) Online , using the nonsteroidal antiandrogen bicalutamide as a lead compound.
Andarine (S-4) is an orally active partial agonist of the androgen receptor (AR). It is less potent in both anabolic and androgenic effects than other SARMs. In an animal model of benign prostatic hypertrophy, Andarine (S-4) was shown to reduce prostate weight with similar efficacy to finasteride, but without producing any reduction in muscle mass or antiandrogenic side effects.This suggests that it is able to competitively block binding of dihydrotestosterone to its receptor targets in the prostate gland, but its partial agonist actions at the AR prevent the side effects associated with the antiandrogens traditionally used for treatment of BPH. Buy Andarine (S-4) Online
Andarine (S-4) for sale
Andarine (S4) is a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) which has been abandoned during clinical trials. It was developed by the pharmaceutical company GTx, with the hopes it would be used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate), without the nasty sides of drugs like finasteride. Although not the strongest SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) on paper, it still has good effects on strength, lean muscle, and preventing muscle wasting. Due to this, weightlifters have discovered it the past 5-10 years, and have started utilizing it to help them achieve their fitness goals.
How it works
Andarine (S-4) works by binding to androgen receptors, selectively choosing muscle and bone, instead of attacking sex organs like anabolic steroids will. It alters gene expression, causing a boost in protein synthesis and anabolism in the body. By all measured guestimates, Andarine (S-4) has about 35% of the binding affinity of straight testosterone. Unlike testosterone, it will not convert to dihydrotestosterone or estrogen. Buy Andarine (S-4) Online . Not only that, but it was developed because it worked at blocking dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from binding to the prostate receptors.