Buy Thyrotropin TRH online
Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone Previous work from our laboratory prompted us to study the effects of short-term, acute administration of TRH or its chronic oral administration, on organs, tissues and aging-related metabolic and hormonal markers, in order to acquire more knowledge on effects, dosage and timing of administration according to its circadian cyclicity. Buy Thyrotropin TRH online
In addition, we wanted to verify its anti-aging effects on two most fundamental functions, namely gonadal- reproductive and kidney-urinary. The results demonstrate that both a short-term, acute or a chronic, long-term oral administration of TRH to old, aging mice, results into positive changes and rapid correction to more juvenile levels of most typical aging-related hormonal and metabolic alterations.
Remarkably, 4-month oral treatment with Thyrotropin TRH maintains testes function in aging mice. As hinted by the significant increase of testes weight, TRH taken from the drinking water produces a maintenance and/or reconstitution of testes structure and function as shown by active proliferation and formation of mature spermatogonia and intensive spermatogenesis in the follicles.
4-month oral treatment with Thyrotropin TRH protects the kidneys from amyloid and hyalin infiltration of both tubuli and glomeruli, which is typical of aging mice. In fact, massive deposits of amyloid and hyalin material are clearly infiltrating the shrunken glomeruli of untreated mice with loss of filtration capacity, while hardly present in TRH-treated mice. Massive hyalin degeneration can also be observed in the tubular vessels of the untreated control mice.
These experiments with parenteral and oral administration of Thyrotropin TRH show a most remarkable aging-delaying and apparently even aging-reversing effects of the neuropeptide TRH. Again, similarly to melatonin, we are confronted with an anti-aging agent with a broad spectrum of activities which must be necessarily linked to a most fundamental role in the regulation of metabolic and hormonal functions.
Aging-Reversing Properties of Thyrotropin TRH Releasing Hormone (TRH) What is TRH? TRH also know as “Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone”, carries the unfortunate and highly misleading designation of a Thyroid releasing hormone. It is a ubiquitous tiny molecule composed of three amino acids and it can be found everywhere in nature, from unicellular algae to the complex mammalian species.